Friday, 30 March 2018

What a Wonderful World

What a wonderful world this would be if only we all showed each other more tolerance. We are all different and its our differences that make us special.

But being tolerant does not mean walking around on eggshells trying not to offend intolerant fools. Being tolerant means not being that intolerant fool in the first place.

And being tolerant does not mean we have to tolerate the intolerance of others. It does not mean we have to accept the evil things people do. Absolutely not.

Some cultural differences are positive and enriching. People from different backgrounds and different countries can bring more colour, beauty, joy and love into our lives.

Others cultural differences are dark, prudish and impoverishing, taking the colour, beauty, joy and love out of our lives, spreading hatred and intolerance.

We must never tolerate intolerance.

Emily Thornberry, the UK Labour Party Shadow Foreign Secretary,  publicly  said, on Any Questions, BBC Radio 4 on the 5th May 2017,

"If UKIP want to stir up an intolerance of difference (over Female Genital Mutilation) then I hope there is no further place for them. "

This really is taking tolerance too far, way, way too far. No we absolutely must never tolerate child abuse or the mutilation of our fellow human beings.

Some judges, including Judge Michael Stokes in the UK and Justice Michael Elkaim in Australia
have spared immigrants who have raped children from custodial sentences on the grounds of so-called 'cultural differences'. This too is taking tolerance way, way too far.

Having said all this, please do not hate anyone no matter how much you disapprove of the things they do. The little people are not our enemies. They are being played, lied to and brainwashed by the globalist elite, often working through various governments and religions.

This includes our own soldiers as well as the terrorists who are blowing little children to pieces.

It includes the parents mutilating their own daughters' genitalia.

It includes the Muslim grooming gangs.

It includes people doing the so-called 'honour killings' and the ones murdering 'apostates'.

People are only doing these terrible things because they have been lied to and brainwashed, often since birth.

Yes of course we need to use our legal system to stop these atrocities, something our police and courts seem reluctant to do at the moment.

Indeed the system is so crazy that anyone who speaks out gets accused of 'hate speech' and is silenced or even jailed. I speak out and will continue to do so, even if it does land me in prison. I continue to speak out against FGM and child rape, not out of hatred for anyone but out of love for those poor children.

It really looks like our police and courts are being run, at the very top, by people who are following the agenda set by the  globalist elite. But that doesn't mean we have to hate anyone.

We can't counter darkness and hate with more darkness and hate. The only way to defeat the darkness is to shine our light into the darkest corners.

Instead of hating people we need to direct our attention to thwarting the globalist elites who are pulling the strings behind the scenes.

The Globalist Elite devised this terrible game that we are all blindly playing along with.

They devised the rich/poor/money/debt game that sets us against eachother.

They devised the left/right/centre political game that sets us against eachother.

They devised the workers/bosses game that sets us against eachother.

They devised the race game and the gender game that set us against eachother.

Well maybe it's time to just stop playing those games. The globalist elite are few and we are many. We don't need to start an armed rebellion in order to regain our freedom and restore sanity to Planet Earth. We just need to stop playing their games.

For hundreds, perhaps thousands of years we have been locked into these games by our own ignorance, greed and fear.  But if only we could just come together in love,  friendship and co-operation we could set ourselves free and move forward.

So let's stop exploiting each other's weaknesses and desperation for our own profits and start helping those weaker than ourselves.

Let's stop measuring our success by how much we take for ourselves but rather by how much we contribute to the lives of others.

How did our ancestors ever think it was right to say "I will only give you some of my hens if you give me some of your rabbis"? What caused us to be so mean? How did we become so small-minded?

What a wonderful world this would be if people said "I have some spare hens, would you like one" even if they don't need any rabbits.

Perhaps the person who takes the spare rabbits might have made too much cheese. Maybe we will be offered that cheese, maybe not. It really doesn't matter. Someone will get the cheese and we will get something else.  Someone will give us something. What goes around comes around. In a world were we all help eachother we won't need to keep score. Everyone will be looking out for us just as we will be looking out for everyone else.

Idealistic? Utopian? Absolutely but I truly believe that this is the way we are supposed to live and I believe that's the way we used to live, thousands of years ago.

Then a handful of sick, greedy people clubbed together to try and rule over us by instilling into us the fear of scarcity. Their descendants rule over us still. Its the same families and their bloodlines can be traced back to the ancient world. It has been claimed that the Windsors, Rothschilds, Morgans, and many others are the descendants of these ancient families and they still rule us by fear today.

It's the fear of scarcity and of being taken advantage of, that is keeping us trapped into their game but a simple change of attitude could set us free.

If we have three televisions (or anything else) and the family next door only has one, let's give them one of ours.

It's time for us to forget about winning or  losing and to just spread the love. It's time to stop playing their stupid games.

The truth is that there really is no scarcity. Our Mother Earth gives us enough for our needs, but not enough to satisfy us AND the greed of the globalist elites. When we stop feeding their greed there will be more than enough to go around.

Love one another and love the globalist elite too. It's only their fear and lack of love that makes them act the way they do, makes them want to rule the world.

Resentment and hatred will keep the game going. It will keep us and them trapped in our respective prisons.

Only unconditional love can set us free, all of us. Love is our true nature. When we reconnect with it what a wonderful world this will be.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

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