Friday, 5 October 2018

An open letter to Andrew Hosken

An open letter to Andrew Hosken, BBC reporter


Dear Mr. Hosken,

In your recent report on the Democratic Football Lads Alliance you used the term Islamophobia  as if it was a dirty word. Would you have called people in the 1930s and 40s Naziphobic?

Later in your report you confused being anti-islam with hating Muslims.

Your unfortunate attitude seems typical of the position of the BBC and indeed the mainstream media as a whole. Unfortunately the more reports you people put out reflecting these misconceptions, the more they become accepted by the general population. For this reason I feel it's time to set the record straight .

I am not speaking for the DFLA but for the anti-islam movement as a whole, the people who tend to get mislabeled as Far Right.

Let me make it clear that we are against political Islam, we have no animosity towards moderate Muslims.

Political Islam is a very dangerous totalitarianism system of control and when it tries to spread sharia law it is acting as a political ideology not a religion.

In a democracy criticising any political ideology we don't agree with is our  right. Opposing political islam is no different from criticising Corbyin's Labour or the policies of UKIP.

It is important to distinguish between Islam and the Muslims who are victims of the ideology.

We don't care about their religion, the name they call God by or the nature of their rituals. What we care about is their politics and how that ideology makes them behave; towards women, gays, animals, apostates and and everyone who does not share their beliefs.

It's not just us who are worried about sharia law finding its way into our legal system. Usama Hasan is a senior researcher in Islamic Studies, in a recent report to the Quilliam Foundation stated that some ninety percent of Muslims in Britain want Sheria law and want to turn Britain into an Islamic caliphate.

Whatever the accuracy of this statistic it is clear that it needs to be openly and honestly debated. It is really not helpful for the mainstream media to try to silence debate on this issue by calling concerned citizens islamophobic or far right.

May I respectfully urge you and your colleagues to research this issue more deeply and give us concerned citizens a fair hearing.

If you think we are being silly the best thing you could do would be to let us speak openly and expose our silliness to the world. By silencing us or distorting our views you are showing the world that you fear that we just could be right.

Jack Cox

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