Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Citizens of the World?

Some of you have asked what I think about migration. Have there been inconsistencies is some of the things I have written? Let me clear up any misunderstandings.

In an ideal world I think we should all be able to take up residence anywhere in the world we like. However to make this possible there would have to be two simple rules.

1) Anyone can move to, and setup home in, any country they absolutely love, just the way it is. This means that newcomers cannot attempt to make any changes to their adopted country or engage in politics there.

2) Newcomers must obey all the laws of their adopted country and comply with all its social and cultural norms, without asking for exemptions.

Surely that's not too much to ask?

I don't care about the colour of people's skin and I don't care about where immigrants have come from.

All I care about is how people behave and how hard they try to fit in.

Newcomers must always adapt themselves to fit in with the people who were there before they arrived. Never the other way around.

So to sum up I fully embrace multiethnic migration but not multicultural migration.

Some people have even asked me whether I am racist. No of course I am not. That's a preposterous idea. I have traveled the world, I have lived half my adult life overseas and I have had friends from every continent except Antarctica. When abroad I have always followed the guidelines as stated above.

I don't care about people's ethnicity but I do care about how they behave and I will speak out against bad behaviour even from members of ethnic minorities.

This sometimes leads to me being falsely accused of racism. However, what really would be racist would be to make some people exempt from criticism because of their ethnicity or religion.

And I certainly do speak out against dangerous political ideologies including Political Islam.

I know it can be hard to distinguish Political Islam from the religion. The Qur'an makes many political statements and instructions for ensuring Islamic expansion.

I don't care what religions people follow, what names people call God by or what kinds of rituals they participate in but I do care about politics.

The openly stated aim of Political Islam is to establish an Islamic caliphate and impose Sharia Law here in Britain and Europe. It's early days yet but Belgium already has an Islam Party. It's manifesto states these exact aims.

So please do tell me, how is opposing Political Islam any more racist than opposing the Conservative Party or the Labour Party in the UK, or the Democrats or the Republicans in America? Democratic politics needs opposition in order to function or else we would have a one party totalitarian state.

We don't have an Islam Party in Britain yet (unless you count the Labour Party) but we soon will unless we wake up and act decisively to prevent it. Who's with me?

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

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