The truth is the truth regardless of where it is supposedly positioned on some imaginary political spectrum.
Wouldn't it be great if we actually listened to the people we expect to disagree with and find out what they actually want?
Wouldn't it be great if we judged people by what they are actually doing and saying instead of by what other people, with agendas of their own, were saying about them?
Wouldn't it be great if we stopped dismissing people who want a fairer distribution of wealth as 'far left'?
Wouldn't it be great if we stopped dismissing people who want newcomers to integrate and obey our laws as 'far right'?
Labels such as these only serve to divide us. If we ditched these silly labels and actually listened to people we might find some common ground.
The truth is that we all want to live in a fairer society so wouldn't it be great if we worked together to build one.
If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.
The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.
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