Monday, 2 April 2018

What really is fascism?

Everyone needs to know this. We have been systematically lied to since 1944. We have been fed a big fat lie and we need to know the truth.

We deserve to know the truth that Hitler and Mussolini were Marxists. Fascism, and later Nazism, grew out of Marxism.

The world is experiencing a dangerous resurgence of fascism and we must all stand firm against it. Of course we must, it's an horrendous ideology, but how can we beat it if we don't even know what it is?

"The term 'fascist' can be traced back to 1914 when he ( Benito Mussolini) founded the Faci Rivoluzionari d'Azione Internazionalista, a political movement whose members called themselves 'fascisti' or fascists." - Dinesh D'Souza - The Big Lie

Mussolini was a Marxist and member of the Italian Socialist Party. However he grew tired of the long, drawn out democratic process and yearned for a workers' revolution.

So where did Mussolini get his ideas from? Some writers like to say that he lost faith in socialism and converted to fascism but if you read the things he actually wrote at the time this is clearly very far from the truth. What he, and many others including Lenin, lost faith with was classical Marxism.

The Russian Revolution had been a bit of a shock to classical Marxists. Marx had predicted that there would be a workers' uprising in the industrialised, capitalist world. In other words, in counties such as Britain, Germany or France. But it happened in Russia and it was lead by the intellectuals, not the workers. This lead to a crisis in Marxism that would cleave it in two. As a result Marxism split into two camps, Leninism and fascism.

The French Marxist Georges Sorel (1847 - 1922) wrote that the working class needed powerful leaders to motivate them and stir them into violent action with emotional stories. Mussolini took these ideas and ran with them to create fascism.

Inspired by Sorel, Mussolini founded the first fascist party, the Fasci di Combattimento (fascist combat squad) on the 23rd March 1919. Lenin wrote to Mussolini to congratulate him.

Mussolini wrote extensively on Socialism and edited the weekly socialist publication, La Lotta di Classe (The Class War).

"The nucleus that eventually founded fascism in Italy did not stem from the right-wing nationalists but from the transformation of part of the revolutionary left " - Stanley Payne - A History of Fascism

Hitler was a great admirer of Mussolini and modelled his new socialist party on the Italian fascists.

"Hitler, like Mussolini, was very much a man of the Left. Hitler too was a socialist and labour leader who founded the German Socialist Workers' Party. " - Dinesh D'Souza - The Big Lie

Mussolini may well have admired Lenin but Hitler did not and this was eventually to lead to his downfall. Despite being a socialist Hitler hated the Jews and he hated Russian communism. Hitler believed in the conspiracy theory known as Jewish Bolshevism.

Jewish Bolshevism, also called the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG) conspiracy theory asserts that Jews control world politics and that Jews were behind the Russian Revolution and held the primary power among Bolsheviks.

So in the 1930s, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union could not form a formal alliance. Hitler labeled the Soviet Union an “infernal abomination” governed by “Jewish tyrants.

The Soviet press reciprocated with claims that Hitler was “possessed by a demon” and Nazism would “drown in its own blood."

The Munich Agreement (September 1938) was a huge own goal for the free world. It was an attempt to appease Hitler.

The major powers of Europe, excluding the Soviet Union, agreed a settlement permitting Germany to annex a portion of Czechoslovakia. The deal infuriated both dictators. Hitler commented to an aide, “that Chamberlain fellow has spoiled my entry into Prague.

Meanwhile, Stalin, whose representatives had been excluded from the conference, feared the British and French had “cut a deal with Hitler at the Soviets' expense.”

The following year Hitler and Stalin began to seriously consider the benefits of working together. For Germany, a non-aggression pact would guard against a war on two fronts, at lear until Hitler was ready. The pact also made provision for an exchange of German technology for much needed Russian raw materials.

The Soviets thought that Poland would serve as a buffer zone against any future German expansion.

The fate of the world was sealed by the stroke of a pen on August 23, 1939.

They also signed a second, secret agreement that carved up eastern Europe between them. If you are interested in learning more about this I recommended the book Devils’ Alliance: Hitler’s Pact With Stalin, 1939-1941, by historian Roger Moorhouse .

In fact, the Nazi-Soviet Pact as the kick-off for World War II is probably the most surprising scenario that anyone could have imagined” - Moorhouse says.

"That’s how you have to view it from the perspective of August 1939. The world was absolutely dumbstruck by this deal.”

Those twin agreements set the stage for the start of World War II. Within days of signing the pacts Hitler invaded Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany. The nightmare had begun.

A couple of weeks later, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east to grab its share of the spoils. In 1940 it followed up by occupying Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Romanian province of Bessarabia.

Post-war writers have gone to some trouble to claim that the USSR was on the side of the Western allies during WWII. This is a very superficial view.

The fact is that the U.S.S.R. co-operated with Nazi Germany during the early years of the war in a joint effort to defeat capitalism. The Soviets only swapped sides when the honour among thieves pact broke down in territorial disputes.

A key part of the Nazi-Soviet Pact was economic: Germany agreed to swap military technology for a steady flow of Soviet raw materials. However, Soviet annexation of the Romanian province of Bessarabia at the end of June brought the Red Army close to Romanian oilfields that Hitler deemed vital to his war effort.

To smooth over some of the frustrations and to sort out territorial questions, Joachim von Ribbentrop, the Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany, invited Vyacheslav Molotov, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union, to Berlin for talks in mid-November of 1940.

Believing the war was nearly over, Hitler wanted a broader delineation of spheres of influence than had been previously agreed. Ribbentrop and Hitler talked with Molotov about dividing up the bankrupt estate of the British Empire. At one point, Hitler stated, “let’s divide the whole world.

Molotov demanded territory in the Balkans and the Black Sea.

Hitler and Ribbentrop tried to get the Soviets to look to British India and the Persian Gulf for territorial gains.

Operation Barbarossa was the code name for the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany which kicked off on Sunday, 22nd June 1941.

Hitler had always planning to conquer the western Soviet Union so that it could be repopulated by Germans. He also wanted to use Slavs as a slave-labour force and to seize the oil reserves of the Caucasus. Despite their close political aims, Hitler had only been stringing Stalin along. After all, in Hitler's deranged mind, the Soviet Union was being run, behind the scenes, by the hated Jews.

Hitter was obsessed with the Jews. In truth he hated all non-Arians, including the people of the Mediterranean. Had he won the war he would have turned on Mussolini just as he had betrayed Starlin.

Hitler needed a legal basis for his racism and that included an international precedent. It’s interesting to note that when the Nazis got together in Nuremberg on 15 September 1935 to pass Germany's anti-Semitic and racial laws they began the meeting with a thorough examination of America's race laws.

It should be of no surprise that the Nazi National Socialists found what they were looking for in laws passed by American socialists.

Dinesh D'Souza, in his illuminating book The Big Lie states that "Every segregation law in the South (southern states of the USA) was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed into power by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic sheriffs and Democratic city and state officials. Most anti-miscegeneration laws were passed in Democratic states....

"The Ku Klux Klan was a creation of the Democrats and served for thirty years as the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party. ....

"The early Klan killed as many white Republicans as they did blacks."

Since the war there has been a concerted effort by left-wing writers and activists to paint a very different picture of history.

Fascism strated out as an Italian socialist, left-wing movement and its core principles of heavy handed centralised control, suppression of free speech and incarceration of dissidents still typify the far-left approach to politics.

The propaganda of the last eight decades or so has been that fascism and the communism are opposite ends of some straight line model of politics but nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that fascism and communism are cousins, very close cousins indeed. <

So where does all this leave white supremacists, neo-Nazis and the Far Right?

Part of the big fat lie, in recent years, has been to conflate those three very different political groups.

The Far Right are nationalists committed to defending their countries and their cultures from being overrun by newcomers who have no intention of fitting in.

In Britain and Europe they also oppose being ruled over by the totalitarian, globalist European Union.

As nationalists the far-right totally reject globalism in all its forms. Nationalists support their country and it's citizens, all it's citizens, regardless of race, religion or gender.

Nationalists also support absolute freedom of religious belief and freedom of religious practice within the limits set down by law. They oppose political Islam because it is anti-democratic and they oppose illegal Islamic religious practices such as gender inequality, FGM, the rape of infidels and the murder of apostates.

They are totally opposed to white supremacy which, as we have seen, is rooted in Nazism, which grew out of Marxism. White supremacists are, politically speaking, alt-left.

As are the neo-Nazis with their pictures of Hitler, straight arm salutes and left-handed swastikas. Neo-Nazis should be placed where they belong, on the extreme left, further left even than Communists.

Far left street groups such as Antifa claim to be anti-fascist but in reality they are the new fascists, indistinguishable, in both method and ideology, from Hitler's Brown Shirts or the Blackshirts of Mussolini and Mosley.

It is sad that the members of Antifa actually believe that they are fighting fascism. They have been brainwashed and indoctrinated by a biased and corrupted education system that has actually taught them that fascism is right-wing.

What is worse is that some of these people actually went to university and should know better. Tragically, rather than being taught how to think they were taught what to think. They were even encouraged to no-platform any speaker who might have challenged their indoctrination.

So any opposition to fascism today must be aimed at educating people on the far-left. They must be made to respect free speech and open debate on all topics. They must be taught that it's okay to ask questions and to be critical of dangerous ideologies.

Sorry Antifa but fascism can never be defeated by your hatred and violence. Only light can dispel darkness.

The big lie was arguably the brainchild of Richard Hofstadter. In his 1944 book, Social Darwinism in American Thought he makes a fairly shaky connection between Darwin's concept of the survival of the fittest with laissez faire capitalism.

From this Hofstadter postulated that since Social Darwinism was the basis for the Nazi eugenics programme, and since laissez faire capitalism is a right wing concept, then the Nazis must have been on the political right.

What this socialist writer and former Communist Party member conveniently forgets to mention is that eugenics was invented in Britain by Frances Galton and implemented in a big way in America before being adopted in Germany.

In America eugenics was championed by progressives such as Margaret Sanger, Kermit Gosnell, Charles Davenport and Harry Laughlin.

Don't you just laugh at the way socialists like to refer to themselves as progressives as if the world was destined to progress towards socialism? It's a bit like Jehovah's Witnesses calling their teachings The Truth. Nobody with the ability to think is fooled in either case.

Needless to say the big fat lie was seised on by left wing academics, taught in schools and universities and is now believed by 99% of the western world. Everyone knows the fascists and Nazis were right wingers. Only they weren't.

It's absolutely essential to get the truth out to people. It's the only way to stop history repeating itself. We see more and more of our rights and freedoms taken from us every day by fascist governments claiming they are protecting us from fascism.

The biggest of these precious freedoms is freedom of speech. We must speak out now, while we still can, before it's too late.

The time has come to set ourselves free from the fascist Globalist Elites. Who's with me?

By now there should be no doubt in your mind that fascism and Nazism are extreme left-wing ideologies. However some people, a few, with left-wing leanings, who think the left are the good guys, have written in to accuse me of saying that fascists are the good guys by association. This is the exact opposite of what I am saying.

Fascists and Nazis are very, very bad guys and so are the progressives who embrace their ideas and methods. Not all progressives ' and lefties are evil, just the ones who embrace fascist or Nazi ideas and methods.

Today's left-wing fascism is different from that of Hitler and Mussolini in so far as at least the original ones had the decency to call themselves fascists and Nazis. This modern lot have the cheek to masquerade as anti-fascists and gullible people are being taken in by their big fat lie.

It’s bazar. The very people who are championing the heavy handed centralised state,, oppose capitalism, have zero tolerance of dissenting views but rather encourage cultural intimidation, censorship (political correctness and no-platforming) and even street violence (Antifa) are claiming to be anti-fascists. It's unbelievable. All these things were fascist policies.

Even more crazy, they have got us all believing that the supporters of limited government, individual rights, a free market economy, free speech and open debate are the fascists. Nothing could be further from the truth. All these things were hated and despised by the Nazis and fascists.

It's all backwards. It's what George Orwell called newspeak. I'm not referring to any specific political party here, nor to left-wing politics in general, but to the generic progressive left. Indeed, at least in Britain, we see these traits in both the main parties. It's time for something different.

I said at the beginning of my book, Spread The Love And Change Your World, that my solution is neither left-wing nor right-wing but that I am drawing wisdom from both. I have not deviated from that. However if I am to take the good wherever I find it I must also highlight the bad wherever I find it and fascism is very, very bad indeed.

Orwell knew what was coming and he tried to warn us. If only we had listened. Are we listening yet?

We must learn the lessons of history and not repeat the mistakes made by the people of pre-war Italy and Germany. Hitler and Mussolini could have been stopped had the people acted quickly enough. But they were too slow and too timid to realise that this was not going to be politics as usual.

And what the progressive fascists are attempting now is not politics as usual either. We must act fast. First we must get this message out so people know the truth.

Then we must smash the tools they are using to enforce their conformity of thought, such as co-called political correctness and no-platforming. Surely it must be obvious to anyone capable of independent thought that in a freedom loving democracy political correctness is an oxymoron.

Finally we must thwart the globalist elites who really pull the strings behind the scenes. The politicians we see and vote for are little more than puppets.

I explain how we can do this in my blog post - Globalist Elites –

1 comment:

  1. Reality is what it is, you can't turn Fascism into Marxism just because you want to demean Fascism and it suits your purpose to conflate the two. Of course, we can find similarities in all political ideologies but the truth is that political thinking is nuanced and subject to many cross-currents.
