Friday, 18 May 2018

Globalism or Nationalism?

Nationalism is often portrayed  as being narrow-minded and inward looking while Globalism is seen as broad-minded and outward looking, but is this right?

John Lennon seemed to think so when he asked us to imagine a world without separate countries. Then again, he was probably unaware of how big and powerful multi-national corporations were to become. Many are more powerful and have more influence than democratically elected governments, so powerful in fact that they can get away without paying their taxes for years. He must also have been quite ignorant of history.

Throughout history globalists have tried to unite the world. Fantastic! At least until we realise that what they really want is to unite the world under their leadership. Hitler's ambition was to unite Europe and ultimately the world, under his control. EU leaders have a similar ambition today.

The Roman Empire was an attempt to unify the known world, under Roman control of course.

Alfred the Great wanted to unite all the Kingdoms of England (the name the Saxons used for the territory they had recently conquered from the British) under his control.

Alexander the Great wanted to unite the known world of his day under his control.

And Napoleon Bonaparte was another despotic globalist psychopath with the same age old ambition.

Now its the turn of the totalitarian E.U. aided by George Soros.

When will we ever learn to see through the globalist propaganda? We can be sure that if ever we do end up with a world government it will not be a democracy, rather it will be rich globalist elites, from the world of business or politics, lording it over the rest of us.

Back in the 1970s and 80s Greens and Liberals  understood that decentralisation, short, local supply lines and self-sufficiency were the way to a sustainable future. Then, somehow, both the green and liberal movements became infiltrated by globalists and our dream was dashed.

Well I used to be a proud green and a proud liberal, back in the days when those labels still meant sustainability, tolerance, free speech and freedom. How did we loose our way?

Now I am proud to be a Liberal Nationalist.

We Liberal  Nationalists want to live in a free and independent country and, by extension, we want every other country in the world to be free and independent too.

We want a world filled with free and independent nations, all different, all special and all cooperating together willingly.

We respect other people's national boundaries and we demand that they respect ours.

We respect other countries' cultures and we demand that they respect ours.

Foreigners are welcome to live among us provided they adapt to our way of life and do not expect us to change to suit them.

We don't invade other people's countries, that's globalists.

Globalism, with its one size fits all solutions, doesn't work.

Nationalists are the true greens because we want decentralisation, short, local supply lines and self-sufficiency.

Nationalists are the true liberals because we want freedom of speech, the freedom to debate on all subjects and the freedom for everyone to do their own thing without having to worry about 'offending' intolerant idiots.

We want freedom of religious belief for everyone, and freedom of religious practice with the limits set by law (no human or animal sacrifice, no FGM, no persecution of apostates).

We want equality for everyone regardless of race, religion or gender and we understand that equality includes taking equal responsibility for the consequences of our actions.

We want national governments to make their countries' laws, laws which suit their citizens' needs. We must never permit foreign laws or foreign courts to operate in our country , whether the European Court of Justice or Sharia courts.

Nationalism, freedom, individuality, equality and respect pave the road to a better future, not dull, suffocating globalism.

Liberal Nationalists want more co-operation, but co-operation between free, independent nations.

The European Union is failing because it tried to take away the independence of member states. Indeed, calling them 'states' rather than 'nations' should have warned us of their federal ambitions.

It will soon be time to establish the European Network of Free and Independent Nations ( ENFIN ).

No political union, just free trade, friendship and cooperation.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World

The PDF version is free. Kindle and paperback versions are also available.

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