Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Tommy Robinson And The Rise of British Fascism

A deliberately provocative title. Far too many people, ignorant of the true meaning of 'fascist', have accused Tommy Robinson of being one.

In reality Robinson has been a victim of the rise of British fascism.

It's a very sad day when all the mainstream political parties have moved so far to the left that anyone with normal, moral values and a love of freedom and free speech is called 'far-right'.

(Learn the truth about fascism here - http://jackcoxauthor.blogspot.co.uk/2018/04/what-really-is-fascism.html?m=1 )

On Friday 25th May 2018, Tommy Robinson was reporting on Muslim Grooming Gangs outside the Crown Court in Leeds when he was suddenly arrested, charged, charge dropped, recharged with a different offense, tried, convicted and carted off to Hull Prison, all within a couple of hours.

He was given no chance to mount a defence or to raise funds for such a defence. He was not even allowed to use his own lawyer.

Why such undue haste? Indeed how was such undue haste even organised?

Robinson had made it public that he would be reporting that day. The police and judiciary must have had this planned well in advance.

This is Britain. We are not supposed to incarcerate political dissidents in Britain. This is not the USSR or Nazi Germany.

There was even a media blackout on this untill the following Tuesday. When it was lifted the BBC and others started telling half the story.

They accurately but selectively reported that Robinson had been changed with breach of the peace, later changed to contempt of court.
They also mentioned a previous conviction for contempt of court, last year in Canterbury, Kent, where he received a suspended sentence and that now Robinson had been sentenced to 10 months in prison, plus the three months of his suspended sentence.

Fine, that's all true. So what did they leave out?

1) in Kent Robinson was told that he had been arrested for filming on court property. He had not entered the court but had walked on the court steps, so technically he was on court property.

In Leeds he was extremely careful to avoid the steps.

2) In Kent he had been told he had committed an offence by reporting details of the grooming case he had been reporting on, which could potentially prejudge  its outcome.

In Leeds he was very careful to give no details of the case beyond what had already been reported in the local paper. He spent most of his hour long broadcast talking about Muslim rape cases in general.

3) In Kent he had referred to the accused as 'Muslim rapists' and 'Muslim peadophiles'.

In Leeds he had be careful to stress the word 'alleged' and to say they were innocent until proven guilty.

Throughout the broadcast he can be heard asking somebody off camera, possiblity a police officer, whether what he was saying and doing was within the law and receiving assurance that it was.

So it doesn't take a genius to conclude that he was being deliberately set up.

And let's ask another question. Why was there a reporting restriction on the trial in the first place? There had been no reporting restrictions placed on the trials of Rolf Harris, or the other celebrity rape and peadophile cases, so why this one? What was the establishment trying to cover up? And was Robinson right to raise awareness of the case and its cover up?

Sometimes laws have to be broken. Sometimes civil disobedience is the only way to get things changed. So it was for the suffragettes.

This is not British justice! The judge,  Geoffrey Marson QC,  even admitted later that he had not bothered to watch more than a tiny snippet of Robinson's broadcast before deeming it prejudicial - https://europe.infowars.com/judge-behind-tommy-robinson-arrest-admits-he-didnt/

Whatever you think of Robinson's politics, this is no way to treat a British citizen in his own country. Our parents and grandparents fought a war to stop this kind of policing coming to Britain yet British police and courts are now acting like the Gestapo, blindly enforcing conformity with the totalitarian policies of the state.

Tommy Robinson is an activist and campaigner for free speech. He also opposes the introduction of Sheria Law into the UK and Europe because it is against free speech, gender equality and religious freedom. Indeed Sheria Law poses a clear and present threat to our freedoms.

But Sharia Law is a part of Islam and in fascist Britain, Islam must not be criticised. In a free country, which Britain once was, all subjects are open to free and honest debate but not under fascism. Fascist states censor what citizens are allowed to discuss. George Orwell saw this coming.

Free Speech is the foundation stone of democracy. We abandon it at our peril.

It's time for free men and women everywhere to stand up and say 'NO MORE' while we still have the freedom to do so.


Important Update

12.06.2018 - Tommy Robinson has been moved. He is now incarcerated at HMP Onley, near Rugby, which has the highest Muslim population in the Midlands (around 30%).

Remember that Robinson was convicted of reporting on a trial of a Muslim Paedophile Rape Gang. He has been campaigning against Islamic extremism for over fifteen years. Muslim extremists hate him.

It's hard to verify these things but it is understood that a fatwa has been issued for Robinson to be murdered.

It is also being said that the order to move him came from the Home Office. Indeed, in a case as politically sensitive as this, the rumour is highly probable.

Given that the Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, is a Muslim, it seems reasonable to ask whether Javid's decision was in line with the fatwa.

What is clear is that there have been several huge protests in London, Manchester, Leeds and around the world. The most recent London rally attracted some 30,000 supporters.

So far the protests have been mostly peaceful. Just a handful of hotheads kicked off in London last Saturday, having been deliberately provoked by the police. Their intent was clearly to provoke a violent reaction so the press could get their damming photos.

The newspaper reports said nothing of the police violence. They only mentioned so-called 'rioters'.

If Robinson is killed in prison it's hard to imagine the protesters remaining peaceful. Things could turn very nasty indeed.

Is this the government's intention? Is the plan to get Robinson's supporters to riot in order to excuse more police brutality?

There has already been much talk on social media about a civil war. Of course the people talking big are unarmed. They have no means to mount a civil war.

To those people I say this -

Make no mistake, any violence and the media will turn the people against you.

Nonviolent resistance is the only way to win the hearts of the people.

But what do you do when the police start the violence?

Nonviolent resistance is about meeting police violence with non-aggression.

If you meet police aggression with violence you are playing right into their hands. That's what they want you to do. That is what they need to give them an excuse to flatten you.

Make no mistake, they can flattened you. They have horses, battens, truncheons, tasers, tear gas, water cannons and guns.

If all that fails they can bring in the army.

So far they have been playing with you but it will get a whole lot sillier if you kick off.

I have heard patriots say that they are many and the police are few. Maybe there were 20,000 in London on Saturday, maybe there were 40,000 but how many confronted the police? Not many. The vast majority turned their backs on the thugs and said "they are not with us, they do not represent our movement".

Sure the police started it, as they did in Grosvenor Square back in 1968, as they did in the minor's strike, as they always do. Nobody cares. People get their news from the main stream media and they believe the lies.

But you do have one weapon they can never defeat and that is passive resistance .

They can't cope with that.  It's what won India her independence. It will work for you.

When they charge, don't resist, don't even shout, don't try to engage them in conversation. Just sit down, legs folded, arms crossed, and remain silent and still.

The police may carry a few off to the cells. So what?

40,000 will not support thugs, but just imagine 40,000 sitting passively in the street.

The police will have no response to that, they will just walk off.

It will take a lot of guts but it's your only way to win.

The more of you who take  nonviolence resistance courses the better. Then you can pass what they learn on to others


Campaigning for small changes is just not good enough any more.

Tommy Robinson's disgraceful treatment has woken up our proud nation. Now we must make huge changes, radical changes to our whole political and economic system.

And yes, I do mean 'make' and not 'demand'. They will never give us the future we want, we will have to build it for ourselves.

As I said at the start of my  book Spread The Love And Chang Your World, we were born into a game we did not devise where the rules are stacked against us and in favour of the globalist elites. We have no way to win this game. We can never win this game. Our only way out is to stop playing this game and devise a fairer one.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. Kindle and paperback versions are also available.


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