I have no idea how many laws we have in England and Wales. Do you? I do know that we have far too many. So how many laws do we need? How many laws should we have?
The ancient Egyptians had their 42 laws of Maat. Moses whittled those down to ten. I think ten is about right but I would propose a rather different ten from those of Moses.
#1 - Be excellent to each-other and to the environment. This is the main, fundamental principle.
#2 - Universal Equality - No more flotillas of little groups each demanding more rights for themselves ( the me, me, me brigade) just a basic, fundamental understanding that everybody on the planet is the equal of every other person regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political views or disability.
#3 - Tolerance and respect for all other broad-minded, tolerant people. This absolutely does not mean walking around on eggshells trying not to offend intolerant, small-minded fools. Tolerant people are not easily offended.
#4 - Respect our planet and all her natural systems, taking only what we need. Mother Earth gives us life. Without her benevolence we would die.
#5 - Co-operation and good will between free, independent nations and free, independent citizens everywhere. This requires a healthy respect for national boundaries. Without strong boarders we would soon end up with a totalitarian world government.
All countries are different and its their difference that make them special. We have nearly 200 different independent nations on the planet, each with its own unique set of customs and laws. In order to preserve this richness and diversity we must respect the right of the people of each nation to run their own affairs as they choose. People who do not like the conditions in the country of their ancestors should have two choices, campaign for change or leave.
No government has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of another country or to try and bring about regime change there. We must stop attacking and invading other peoples' countries.
#6 - Tell the truth. We are drowning in a sea of lies. Our politicians lie to us. Our news media lie to us. Sales people lie to us. Our friends and family lie to us. What hope have we of ever knowing what is really going on unless we all stop lying to each-other?
#7 - Absolute freedom of religious belief and of practice so long as it remains compatible with the other nine laws.
#8 - Be Generous to Others. Let's build a world where people earn respect and status according to what they put into society, instead of what they take out for themselves. The focus has to be on how much we can give, not how much we can get.
#9 - Fair people-centric governments chosen by the people to represent the wishes of the people.
A lot of people who yearn for utopia, me included, dream of anarchy. Wouldn't it be great to have no leaders and for everyone to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing? Yes it would but we are not ready for that yet. Sure it can work on a small scale, on a commune say, but there are too many selfish, greedy people in the world for anarchy to work on a large scale. Another thousand years perhaps?
We may not be ready for total anarchy quite yet but whatever system of government we choose, let's make it as light and unobtrusive as possible. Laws should be kept to the bare minimum ( these ten ) and people should be free to run their own lives as they wish as long as they are being excellent to each-other and to Mother Earth.
#10 - Maintain a stable population - The world population reached one billion people in 1804. By 1900 it had reached 1.6 billion. By 1999 it had reached six billion. Now we stand at over 7.5 billion and rising.
Mother Earth will not be able to cope much longer. So before we are faced with some huge disaster, let's take matters into our own hands and limit our numbers voluntary. If all those who can breed agree to replace themselves and no more, then those who can't breed will enable our numbers to gradually and sustainability fall.
Trouble is we've made our laws so complicated we need to pay an army of lawyers to sort them out. Even they can't agree. Justice has been reduced to who's barrister is the best at arguing. We have legislated ourselves into a corner.
None of even knows what all the laws are and that includes the lawyers. We are not meant to know, until we inadvertently break one, then they tell us soon enough.
We have this set of rules that nobody is informed of, until we break them and the police are slapping the cuffs on or the courts have their sticky mits in our wallets.
We aren't meant to know the law. It's all about control. Our over complicated legal system is part of the mechanism put in place by the globalist elite to control the people.
It's designed to keep us living in fear. That's why we must change it.
If only we could get back to basic human decency, with us all putting other people first.
I go into a lot more detail of how we can build a better world in my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.
The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.
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