Saturday, 29 December 2018

How To Stop Terrorism


To stop terrorism we need to do TWO things

1) stop people who hate our country from entering


2) stop invading other people's countries and making them hate us.

The problem is that half the people only want to try one solution and the other half only want to try the other solution.

Then they waste their energy squabbling with each other and nothing ever changes.

Just imagine how fast things would improve if both sides worked together to implement both solutions.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. Kindle and paperback versions are also available.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

We Will Never Surrender

We are the native, sovereign people of the United Kingdom.

We are kind people, good people, hospitable people.

We are the people some call silly, misleading names such as far-right, populist or even, bizarrely, fascist, yet we are none of these things.

We don't want to hurt or hate anybody or tell people what they can and can't do in their own countries, like the Nazis did

We don't want to restrict anyone's freedom of speech like fascists did and are still doing to us today.

But just as we have no wish to do these things to others, so we will not permit them to be done to us UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!

We are nationalists. This means that we will defend the freedom and independence of our country and we will also stand by any other country whose freedom and independence is threatened.

All people have the right to make their own laws, in their own lands, according to their own customs and traditions. That's why we have national borders and why we must have control over them.

We are not isolationists. Of course we want to co-operate, as equals, with other free, independent nations.

We welcome foreigners who want to come and live among us, provided there are not too many of them and provided they obey our laws and respect our traditional way of life.

And for that we get accused of fascism, even though we campaign for free speech and  small, light, decentralised government. And even though we stand firm against globalist totalitarianism.

As Orwell predicted, the establishment now engages in newspeak where everything is backwards.

Free speech and democracy are now under threat to an extent not seen since Hitler tried to impose his totalitarian world government

Our parents and grandparents stood up to Hitler and won. Now we must stand tall again in the face of this new totalitarian, globalist threat.

Stand tall my friends and bow to nobody!

Speak your minds freely even if it means prison!

We will never surrender!

Please like and share and make this go viral. Thank you.

Monday, 12 November 2018

Migration is not the problem

Migration is not the problem. The way we do migration is the problem.

If we were to ban all immigration we could never live abroad either. We would  have to accept imprisonment in our own land.

If you prefer the culture in another country of course you should be free to move there and embrace their culture.

What people must never be permitted to do is move to a foreign country and impose their culture on their new neighbours.

Multiethnic is fine but multiculturalism will never work.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. Kindle and paperback versions are also available.

Friday, 5 October 2018

An open letter to Andrew Hosken

An open letter to Andrew Hosken, BBC reporter


Dear Mr. Hosken,

In your recent report on the Democratic Football Lads Alliance you used the term Islamophobia  as if it was a dirty word. Would you have called people in the 1930s and 40s Naziphobic?

Later in your report you confused being anti-islam with hating Muslims.

Your unfortunate attitude seems typical of the position of the BBC and indeed the mainstream media as a whole. Unfortunately the more reports you people put out reflecting these misconceptions, the more they become accepted by the general population. For this reason I feel it's time to set the record straight .

I am not speaking for the DFLA but for the anti-islam movement as a whole, the people who tend to get mislabeled as Far Right.

Let me make it clear that we are against political Islam, we have no animosity towards moderate Muslims.

Political Islam is a very dangerous totalitarianism system of control and when it tries to spread sharia law it is acting as a political ideology not a religion.

In a democracy criticising any political ideology we don't agree with is our  right. Opposing political islam is no different from criticising Corbyin's Labour or the policies of UKIP.

It is important to distinguish between Islam and the Muslims who are victims of the ideology.

We don't care about their religion, the name they call God by or the nature of their rituals. What we care about is their politics and how that ideology makes them behave; towards women, gays, animals, apostates and and everyone who does not share their beliefs.

It's not just us who are worried about sharia law finding its way into our legal system. Usama Hasan is a senior researcher in Islamic Studies, in a recent report to the Quilliam Foundation stated that some ninety percent of Muslims in Britain want Sheria law and want to turn Britain into an Islamic caliphate.

Whatever the accuracy of this statistic it is clear that it needs to be openly and honestly debated. It is really not helpful for the mainstream media to try to silence debate on this issue by calling concerned citizens islamophobic or far right.

May I respectfully urge you and your colleagues to research this issue more deeply and give us concerned citizens a fair hearing.

If you think we are being silly the best thing you could do would be to let us speak openly and expose our silliness to the world. By silencing us or distorting our views you are showing the world that you fear that we just could be right.

Jack Cox

Monday, 24 September 2018

Who are the Far Right?

We are British patriots who believe in freedom, free speech, equality and democracy. We are not racists or bigots or fascists or neo-nazis or white supremacists. Just the opposite in fact as we are calling for one law for all regardless of race, religion or gender.

Are we really far right? It depends on the model of politics you are using.  If you are using the model taught in our Marxist universities and pushed by the mainstream media then no we are not.

This model puts communists on the extreme left and fascists on the extreme right but is this really credible? You couldn't get a cigarette paper between Starlin and Hitter in WWII, indeed they were allies for a while.

A more useful model puts all authoritarian, totalitarian regimes on the left and freedom, self-determination and light government on the right. According to this model we most certainly are proud to be far right.

So what are our aims?

They fall into three main categories

1) British sovereignty. We demand the full Brexit we voted for in the referendum.

2) Free speech. This will require the full abolition of so-called 'political correctness' and 'hate speech' laws.

Understanding comes from letting people speak and listening to what they have to say, not by silencing opposition and imprisoning political dissenters like they do in totalitarian countries.

3) The bad attitude and bad behaviour of some immigrants. This is probably the one that is most misunderstood and most misrepresented in the media.

We are not racists and we are not intolerant. Nor do we oppose all immigration.

All we ask is for our government to restrict entry to those migrants who love this country, its people and its culture and wish to integrate fully and embrace our way of life.

This often puts us into conflict with political Islam. It's important to distinguish between Islam's religious and political activities. We don't care what name they call God by or how they worship.

What we do care about, passionately, is preventing them from spreading Sharia Law to the UK. Anything to do with laws is not religion, it is politics, and it is perfectly legitimate, in a democracy, to criticise any political group.

To suppress the the criticism of any political group is totalitarianism.

Which brings us back to our model of politics. We oppose all forms of totalitarianism and fascism, not just islamofascism.

We oppose Antifa, the fake antifascists who act just like Hitler's Brownshirts, violently attacking anyone who strays from the official narrative.

We oppose the Student Union that acts just like Hitler Youth, no-platforming speakers and shouting down anyone they disagree with.

We oppose Hope Not Hate that spreads far more hate than hope in their attempt to uphold the official narrative.

We oppose the undemocratic, authoritarian EU which we see as a dangerous step towards a totalitarian, one size fits all, world government.

Indeed the model of politics we use works so well, in the real world, because it puts Globalism on the left with the Marxists and the fascists and Nationalism on the right with with all the freedom movements including ourselves.

Nationalism is often portrayed  as being narrow-minded and inward looking while Globalism is seen as broad-minded and outward looking, but is this right?

John Lennon seemed to think so when he asked us to imagine a world without separate countries. Then again, he was probably unaware of how big and powerful multi-national corporations were to become.

Many are more powerful and have more influence than democratically elected governments, so powerful in fact that they can get away without paying their taxes for years. He must also have been quite ignorant of history.

Throughout history globalists have tried to unite the world. Fantastic! At least until we realise that what they really want is to unite the world under their leadership. Hitler's ambition was to unite Europe and ultimately the world, under his control. EU leaders have a similar ambition today.

The Roman Empire was an attempt to unify the known world, under Roman control of course.

Alfred the Great wanted to unite all the Kingdoms of England (the name the Saxons used for the territory they had recently conquered from the British) under his control.

Alexander the Great wanted to unite the known world of his day under his control.

And Napoleon Bonaparte was another despotic globalist psychopath with the same age old ambition.

Now its the turn of the totalitarian E.U. aided by George Soros.

When will we ever learn to see through the globalist propaganda? We can be sure that if ever we do end up with a world government it will not be a democracy, rather it will be rich globalist elites, from the world of business or politics, lording it over the rest of us.

Back in the 1970s and 80s Greens and Liberals  understood that decentralisation, short, local supply lines and self-sufficiency were the way to a sustainable future. Then, somehow, both the green and liberal movements became infiltrated by globalists and our dream was dashed.

Well I used to be a proud green and a proud liberal, back in the days when those labels still meant sustainability, tolerance, free speech and freedom. How did we loose our way?

Now I am proud to be a Nationalist.

We  Nationalists want to live in a free and independent country and, by extension, we want every other country in the world to be free and independent too.

We want a world filled with free and independent nations, all different, all special and all cooperating together willingly.

We respect other people's national boundaries and we demand that they respect ours.

We respect other countries' cultures and we demand that they respect ours.

Foreigners are welcome to live among us provided they adapt to our way of life and do not expect us to change to suit them.

We don't invade other people's countries, that's globalists.

Globalism, with its one size fits all solutions, doesn't work.

Nationalists are the true greens because we want decentralisation, short, local supply lines and self-sufficiency.

Nationalists are the true liberals because we want freedom of speech, the freedom to debate on all subjects and the freedom for everyone to do their own thing without having to worry about 'offending' intolerant idiots.

We want freedom of religious belief for everyone, and freedom of religious practice with the limits set by law (no human or animal sacrifice, no FGM, no persecution of apostates).

We want equality for everyone regardless of race, religion or gender and we understand that equality includes taking equal responsibility for the consequences of our actions.

We want national governments to make their countries' laws, laws which suit their citizens' needs. We must never permit foreign laws or foreign courts to operate in our country , whether the European Court of Justice or Sharia courts.

Nationalism, freedom, individuality, equality and respect pave the road to a better future, not dull, suffocating globalism.

Liberal Nationalists want more co-operation, but co-operation between free, independent nations.

The European Union is failing because it tried to take away the independence of member states. Indeed, calling them 'states' rather than 'nations' should have warned us of their federal ambitions.

It will soon be time to establish the European Network of Free and Independent Nations ( ENFIN ).

No political union, just free trade, friendship and cooperation.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my free book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

Sunday, 5 August 2018

We Were Born Into A Game We Did Not Devise

We were born into a game we did not devise where the rules are stacked against us and in favour of the globalist elites. We have no way to win this game. We can never win this game. Our only way out is to stop playing this game and devise a fairer one.

The currency of the game is money. Stop using money and the game is over. The banks will collapse and the rich globalist elites who own them will be reduced to ordinary citizens, just like you and me.  The nightmare game will be over.

We don't need money or barter. Both are born out of a meanness based in fear. Both are just ways of keeping score so we know who is winning and who is losing. But what if we no longer cared about winning?

We would be free to devise a new game based on freely giving and freely recieving, on helping each-other, on freedom and independence and on love and co-operation. A true utopia.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my free book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

The Shift To The Left

Back in the 1970s and 80s Liberals fought for free speech and the right to voice unpopular opinions. We also fought again the need to conform to the will of the elite.

Back in the 1970s and 80s Greens understood that decentralisation, short, local supply lines and self-sufficiency were the way to a sustainable future.

Then, somehow, the Liberal movement and the Green movement both became infiltrated by globalists and our dream was dashed.

Well I used to be a proud green and a proud liberal, back in the days when those labels still meant sustainability and freedom. How did we loose our way?

Now I am proud to be a nationalist and paid up, card carrying UKIP member.

We nationalists want to live in a free and independent country and, by extension, we want every other country in the world to be free and independent too.

We want a world filled with free and independent nations, all different, all special and all cooperating together willingly.

We respect other people's national boundaries and we demand that they respect ours.

We respect other countries' cultures and we demand that they respect ours.

Foreigners are welcome to live among us provided they adapt to our way of life and do not expect us to change to suit them.

We don't invade other people's countries, that's globalists.

Globalism, with its one size fits all solutions, doesn't work.

Nationalists are the true greens because we want decentralisation, short, local supply lines and self-sufficiency. British Nationalists buy British.

Nationalists are the true liberals because we want freedom of speech, the freedom to debate on all subjects and the freedom for everyone to do their own thing without having to worry about 'offending' intolerant idiots.

We want freedom of religion for everyone. This sometimes gets us wrongly labelled as 'racists' when we opposite a religion (radical Islam) that denies its followers the right to leave and the right for infidels to even exist.

We want national governments to make their countries' laws, laws which suit their citizens' needs. This sometimes gets us wrongly labelled as 'racists' when we opposite a religion (radical Islam) that tries to impose it's own laws, Sharia Law, on the free citizens of sovereign nations.

Nationalism, freedom, individuality, equality and respect pave the road to Utopia, not dull, suffocating globalism.

Jack Cox - author

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love And Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. Kindle and paperback versions are also available.

Friday, 15 June 2018

A Game We Did Not Devise

We are born into a game we did not devise where the rules are stacked against us and in favour of the globalist elites. We have no way to win this game. We can never win this game. Our only way out is to stop playing this game and devise a fairer one.

The currency of the game is money. Stop using money and the game is over. The banks will collapse and the rich globalist elites who own them will be reduced to ordinary citizens, just like you and me.  The nightmare game will be over.

We don't need money or barter. Both are born out of a meanness based in fear. Both are just ways of keeping score so we know who is winning and who is losing. But what if we no longer cared about winning?

We would be free to devise a new game based on freely giving and freely recieving, on helping each-other, on freedom and independence and on love and co-operation. A true utopia.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. Kindle and paperback versions are also available.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Tommy Robinson And The Rise of British Fascism

A deliberately provocative title. Far too many people, ignorant of the true meaning of 'fascist', have accused Tommy Robinson of being one.

In reality Robinson has been a victim of the rise of British fascism.

It's a very sad day when all the mainstream political parties have moved so far to the left that anyone with normal, moral values and a love of freedom and free speech is called 'far-right'.

(Learn the truth about fascism here - )

On Friday 25th May 2018, Tommy Robinson was reporting on Muslim Grooming Gangs outside the Crown Court in Leeds when he was suddenly arrested, charged, charge dropped, recharged with a different offense, tried, convicted and carted off to Hull Prison, all within a couple of hours.

He was given no chance to mount a defence or to raise funds for such a defence. He was not even allowed to use his own lawyer.

Why such undue haste? Indeed how was such undue haste even organised?

Robinson had made it public that he would be reporting that day. The police and judiciary must have had this planned well in advance.

This is Britain. We are not supposed to incarcerate political dissidents in Britain. This is not the USSR or Nazi Germany.

There was even a media blackout on this untill the following Tuesday. When it was lifted the BBC and others started telling half the story.

They accurately but selectively reported that Robinson had been changed with breach of the peace, later changed to contempt of court.
They also mentioned a previous conviction for contempt of court, last year in Canterbury, Kent, where he received a suspended sentence and that now Robinson had been sentenced to 10 months in prison, plus the three months of his suspended sentence.

Fine, that's all true. So what did they leave out?

1) in Kent Robinson was told that he had been arrested for filming on court property. He had not entered the court but had walked on the court steps, so technically he was on court property.

In Leeds he was extremely careful to avoid the steps.

2) In Kent he had been told he had committed an offence by reporting details of the grooming case he had been reporting on, which could potentially prejudge  its outcome.

In Leeds he was very careful to give no details of the case beyond what had already been reported in the local paper. He spent most of his hour long broadcast talking about Muslim rape cases in general.

3) In Kent he had referred to the accused as 'Muslim rapists' and 'Muslim peadophiles'.

In Leeds he had be careful to stress the word 'alleged' and to say they were innocent until proven guilty.

Throughout the broadcast he can be heard asking somebody off camera, possiblity a police officer, whether what he was saying and doing was within the law and receiving assurance that it was.

So it doesn't take a genius to conclude that he was being deliberately set up.

And let's ask another question. Why was there a reporting restriction on the trial in the first place? There had been no reporting restrictions placed on the trials of Rolf Harris, or the other celebrity rape and peadophile cases, so why this one? What was the establishment trying to cover up? And was Robinson right to raise awareness of the case and its cover up?

Sometimes laws have to be broken. Sometimes civil disobedience is the only way to get things changed. So it was for the suffragettes.

This is not British justice! The judge,  Geoffrey Marson QC,  even admitted later that he had not bothered to watch more than a tiny snippet of Robinson's broadcast before deeming it prejudicial -

Whatever you think of Robinson's politics, this is no way to treat a British citizen in his own country. Our parents and grandparents fought a war to stop this kind of policing coming to Britain yet British police and courts are now acting like the Gestapo, blindly enforcing conformity with the totalitarian policies of the state.

Tommy Robinson is an activist and campaigner for free speech. He also opposes the introduction of Sheria Law into the UK and Europe because it is against free speech, gender equality and religious freedom. Indeed Sheria Law poses a clear and present threat to our freedoms.

But Sharia Law is a part of Islam and in fascist Britain, Islam must not be criticised. In a free country, which Britain once was, all subjects are open to free and honest debate but not under fascism. Fascist states censor what citizens are allowed to discuss. George Orwell saw this coming.

Free Speech is the foundation stone of democracy. We abandon it at our peril.

It's time for free men and women everywhere to stand up and say 'NO MORE' while we still have the freedom to do so.


Important Update

12.06.2018 - Tommy Robinson has been moved. He is now incarcerated at HMP Onley, near Rugby, which has the highest Muslim population in the Midlands (around 30%).

Remember that Robinson was convicted of reporting on a trial of a Muslim Paedophile Rape Gang. He has been campaigning against Islamic extremism for over fifteen years. Muslim extremists hate him.

It's hard to verify these things but it is understood that a fatwa has been issued for Robinson to be murdered.

It is also being said that the order to move him came from the Home Office. Indeed, in a case as politically sensitive as this, the rumour is highly probable.

Given that the Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, is a Muslim, it seems reasonable to ask whether Javid's decision was in line with the fatwa.

What is clear is that there have been several huge protests in London, Manchester, Leeds and around the world. The most recent London rally attracted some 30,000 supporters.

So far the protests have been mostly peaceful. Just a handful of hotheads kicked off in London last Saturday, having been deliberately provoked by the police. Their intent was clearly to provoke a violent reaction so the press could get their damming photos.

The newspaper reports said nothing of the police violence. They only mentioned so-called 'rioters'.

If Robinson is killed in prison it's hard to imagine the protesters remaining peaceful. Things could turn very nasty indeed.

Is this the government's intention? Is the plan to get Robinson's supporters to riot in order to excuse more police brutality?

There has already been much talk on social media about a civil war. Of course the people talking big are unarmed. They have no means to mount a civil war.

To those people I say this -

Make no mistake, any violence and the media will turn the people against you.

Nonviolent resistance is the only way to win the hearts of the people.

But what do you do when the police start the violence?

Nonviolent resistance is about meeting police violence with non-aggression.

If you meet police aggression with violence you are playing right into their hands. That's what they want you to do. That is what they need to give them an excuse to flatten you.

Make no mistake, they can flattened you. They have horses, battens, truncheons, tasers, tear gas, water cannons and guns.

If all that fails they can bring in the army.

So far they have been playing with you but it will get a whole lot sillier if you kick off.

I have heard patriots say that they are many and the police are few. Maybe there were 20,000 in London on Saturday, maybe there were 40,000 but how many confronted the police? Not many. The vast majority turned their backs on the thugs and said "they are not with us, they do not represent our movement".

Sure the police started it, as they did in Grosvenor Square back in 1968, as they did in the minor's strike, as they always do. Nobody cares. People get their news from the main stream media and they believe the lies.

But you do have one weapon they can never defeat and that is passive resistance .

They can't cope with that.  It's what won India her independence. It will work for you.

When they charge, don't resist, don't even shout, don't try to engage them in conversation. Just sit down, legs folded, arms crossed, and remain silent and still.

The police may carry a few off to the cells. So what?

40,000 will not support thugs, but just imagine 40,000 sitting passively in the street.

The police will have no response to that, they will just walk off.

It will take a lot of guts but it's your only way to win.

The more of you who take  nonviolence resistance courses the better. Then you can pass what they learn on to others

Campaigning for small changes is just not good enough any more.

Tommy Robinson's disgraceful treatment has woken up our proud nation. Now we must make huge changes, radical changes to our whole political and economic system.

And yes, I do mean 'make' and not 'demand'. They will never give us the future we want, we will have to build it for ourselves.

As I said at the start of my  book Spread The Love And Chang Your World, we were born into a game we did not devise where the rules are stacked against us and in favour of the globalist elites. We have no way to win this game. We can never win this game. Our only way out is to stop playing this game and devise a fairer one.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. Kindle and paperback versions are also available.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Globalism or Nationalism?

Nationalism is often portrayed  as being narrow-minded and inward looking while Globalism is seen as broad-minded and outward looking, but is this right?

John Lennon seemed to think so when he asked us to imagine a world without separate countries. Then again, he was probably unaware of how big and powerful multi-national corporations were to become. Many are more powerful and have more influence than democratically elected governments, so powerful in fact that they can get away without paying their taxes for years. He must also have been quite ignorant of history.

Throughout history globalists have tried to unite the world. Fantastic! At least until we realise that what they really want is to unite the world under their leadership. Hitler's ambition was to unite Europe and ultimately the world, under his control. EU leaders have a similar ambition today.

The Roman Empire was an attempt to unify the known world, under Roman control of course.

Alfred the Great wanted to unite all the Kingdoms of England (the name the Saxons used for the territory they had recently conquered from the British) under his control.

Alexander the Great wanted to unite the known world of his day under his control.

And Napoleon Bonaparte was another despotic globalist psychopath with the same age old ambition.

Now its the turn of the totalitarian E.U. aided by George Soros.

When will we ever learn to see through the globalist propaganda? We can be sure that if ever we do end up with a world government it will not be a democracy, rather it will be rich globalist elites, from the world of business or politics, lording it over the rest of us.

Back in the 1970s and 80s Greens and Liberals  understood that decentralisation, short, local supply lines and self-sufficiency were the way to a sustainable future. Then, somehow, both the green and liberal movements became infiltrated by globalists and our dream was dashed.

Well I used to be a proud green and a proud liberal, back in the days when those labels still meant sustainability, tolerance, free speech and freedom. How did we loose our way?

Now I am proud to be a Liberal Nationalist.

We Liberal  Nationalists want to live in a free and independent country and, by extension, we want every other country in the world to be free and independent too.

We want a world filled with free and independent nations, all different, all special and all cooperating together willingly.

We respect other people's national boundaries and we demand that they respect ours.

We respect other countries' cultures and we demand that they respect ours.

Foreigners are welcome to live among us provided they adapt to our way of life and do not expect us to change to suit them.

We don't invade other people's countries, that's globalists.

Globalism, with its one size fits all solutions, doesn't work.

Nationalists are the true greens because we want decentralisation, short, local supply lines and self-sufficiency.

Nationalists are the true liberals because we want freedom of speech, the freedom to debate on all subjects and the freedom for everyone to do their own thing without having to worry about 'offending' intolerant idiots.

We want freedom of religious belief for everyone, and freedom of religious practice with the limits set by law (no human or animal sacrifice, no FGM, no persecution of apostates).

We want equality for everyone regardless of race, religion or gender and we understand that equality includes taking equal responsibility for the consequences of our actions.

We want national governments to make their countries' laws, laws which suit their citizens' needs. We must never permit foreign laws or foreign courts to operate in our country , whether the European Court of Justice or Sharia courts.

Nationalism, freedom, individuality, equality and respect pave the road to a better future, not dull, suffocating globalism.

Liberal Nationalists want more co-operation, but co-operation between free, independent nations.

The European Union is failing because it tried to take away the independence of member states. Indeed, calling them 'states' rather than 'nations' should have warned us of their federal ambitions.

It will soon be time to establish the European Network of Free and Independent Nations ( ENFIN ).

No political union, just free trade, friendship and cooperation.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World

The PDF version is free. Kindle and paperback versions are also available.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Free speech is a civil right

Free speech is a civil right! Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers".

Before you can shine your light into the darkness you need to know where the darkness is. How can pointing that out to folk possibly be 'hate speech'?

I shine my light into many dark corners in my new book, Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

The Double Standards of Progressives

Why do the so-called 'progressives' want us to take responsibility for the mistakes our ancestors made before we were born but throw a fit when we show any pride in the good things our ancestors did?

While on the subject - why do they call it 'cultural enrichment' when newcomers try to force their ideas on us but 'cultural appropriation' when we actually embrace any of those ideas?

Here's another one - why do they call it 'whitewashing' when a white actor plays an originally non-white character while calling for Idris Elba to play James Bond? Why is that not criticised as 'blackwashing'?

Is it just me or can anyone else see the double standards going on here?

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Universal Equality

The same rules and opportunities must apply to every citizen regardless of race, religion or gender.

#GenderEquality is being put back by the actions of #feminists. Now they are even trying to restrict the kinds of jobs women can do ( hostesses, grid girls etc.).

It's time to ditch #feminism and replace it with #UniversalEquality.

No more flotillas of little groups each demanding more rights for themselves ( the me, me, me brigade) just a basic, fundamental understanding that everybody on the planet is the equal of every other person regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political views or disability.

Makes me laugh when killjoy feminist extremists claim men are exploiting women. What utter rubbish

The truth is that women have been exploiting men since the earliest tines. Women quickly realised that men have certain weakness and they quickly learnt how to exploit those weaknesses to get money and power from men.

Well if women are happy to exploit men in this way and men are happy to be exploited and pay up, killjoy feminist extremists have no right to interfere.

Its clearly time to ditch feminism and replace it with Universal Equality.
If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

We have too many laws

I have no idea how many laws we have in England and Wales. Do you? I do know that we have far too many. So how many laws do we need? How many laws should we have?

The ancient Egyptians had their 42 laws of Maat. Moses whittled  those down to ten. I think ten is about right but I would propose a rather different ten from those of Moses.

#1 - Be excellent to each-other and to the environment. This is the main, fundamental principle.

#2 - Universal Equality - No more flotillas of little groups each demanding more rights for themselves ( the me, me, me brigade) just a basic, fundamental understanding that everybody on the planet is the equal of every other person regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political views or disability.

#3 - Tolerance and respect for all other broad-minded, tolerant people. This absolutely does not mean walking around on eggshells trying not to offend intolerant, small-minded fools. Tolerant people are not easily offended.

#4 - Respect our planet and all her natural systems, taking only what we need. Mother Earth gives us life. Without her benevolence we would die.

#5 - Co-operation and good will between free, independent nations and free, independent citizens everywhere. This requires a healthy respect for national boundaries. Without strong boarders we would soon end up with a totalitarian world government.

All countries are different and its their difference that make them special. We have nearly 200 different independent nations on the planet, each with its own unique set of customs and laws. In order to preserve this richness and diversity we must respect the right of the people of each nation to run their own affairs as they choose. People who do not like the conditions in the country of their ancestors should have two choices, campaign for change or leave.

No government has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of another country or to try and bring about regime change there. We must stop attacking and invading other peoples' countries.

#6 - Tell the truth. We are drowning in a sea of lies. Our politicians lie to us. Our news media lie to us. Sales people lie to us. Our friends and family lie to us. What hope have we of ever knowing what is really going on unless we all stop lying to each-other?

#7 - Absolute freedom of religious belief and of practice so long as it remains compatible with the other nine laws.

#8 - Be Generous to Others. Let's build a world where people earn respect and status according to what they put into society, instead of what they take out for themselves. The focus has to be on how much we can give, not how much we can get.

#9 - Fair people-centric governments chosen by the people to represent the wishes of the people.

A lot of people who yearn for utopia, me included, dream of anarchy. Wouldn't it be great to have no leaders and for everyone to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing? Yes it would but we are not ready for that yet. Sure it can work on a small scale, on a commune say, but there are too many selfish, greedy people in the world for anarchy to work on a large scale. Another thousand years perhaps?

We may not be ready for total anarchy quite yet but whatever system of government we choose, let's make it as light and unobtrusive as possible. Laws should be kept to the bare minimum ( these ten ) and people should be free to run their own lives as they wish as long as they are being excellent to each-other and to Mother Earth.

#10 - Maintain a stable population - The world population reached one billion people in 1804. By 1900 it had reached 1.6 billion. By 1999 it had reached six billion. Now we stand at over 7.5 billion and rising.

Mother Earth will not be able to cope much longer. So before we are faced with some huge disaster, let's take matters into our own hands and limit our numbers voluntary. If all those who can breed agree to replace themselves and no more, then those who can't breed will enable our numbers to gradually and sustainability fall.

Trouble is we've made our laws so complicated we need to pay an army of lawyers to sort them out. Even they can't agree. Justice has been reduced to who's barrister is the best at arguing. We have legislated ourselves into a corner.

None of even knows what all the laws are and that includes the lawyers. We are not meant to know, until we inadvertently break one, then they tell us soon enough.

We have this set of rules that nobody is informed of, until we break them and the police are slapping the cuffs on or the courts have their sticky mits in our wallets.

We aren't meant to know the law. It's all about control. Our over complicated legal system is part of the mechanism put in place by the globalist elite to control the people.

It's designed to keep us living in fear. That's why we must change it.

If only we could get back to basic human decency, with us all putting other people first.

I go into a lot more detail of how we can build a better world in my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Islamophobia is fear not hate

Islamophobia is a word we hear often. A phobia is a FEAR not hate.

If people don't want to be feared they must stop doing scary things.

Please like and share if you agree that these are scary things.

I am not speaking from hate but from compassion and a genuine concern for the terrible karma these radicals are building up for themselves.

But radical Muslims don't believe in karma. They even think that Allah want's them to do things all other religions teach are wicked and that they will be published for.

Fortunately there are many reforming Muslims who reject these radical practices. The extremists who do practice these atrocities call the modern thinking Muslims 'Uncle Toms' and persecute them cruelly.

It is for the sake of the Uncle Tons, as well as for non-Muslins, that we must oppose radical Islam. If you ever hear Muslims use the term 'Uncle Tom' they are demonstrating that they are dangerous extremists.

All mosques should be like this one in Germany, then there would be no Muslim problem hence no Islamophobia. The ball is in the Muslims' court. It will be interesting to see how they choose to play it.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Monday, 30 April 2018

The EU has failed

The EU is rapidly following the USSR into obligation, for the same reason.

We Brexiters want more cooperation, but cooperation between free, independent nations.

It will soon be time to establish the European Network of Free and Independent Nations ( ENFIN ).

No political union, just free trade, friendship and cooperation.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Saturday, 28 April 2018

High Court orders coroner to discriminate on the grounds of religion

A London coroner who refused to let Jewish and Muslim burials jump the queue has been accused in the High Court of breaching human rights because she stood up for human rights and equally. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Two religious groups brought a legal challenge against a policy established by Mary Hassell, the senior coroner for inner north London. She had been dealing with the deaths in her jurisdiction on a first-come, first-served basis.

Jewish and Muslim groups argued that their dead should be buried first, because of their beliefs.
Mary Hassell maintained that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their religion.
On the 27th April 2018, in the High Court, Sikh judge Lord Justice Singh and Mrs. Justice Whipple decreed that the 'equality protocol' policy to be “unlawful, irrational and discriminatory”.
Yes you read that correctly. An equally protocol has be ruled as being discriminatory because it refused to discriminate.

Our country is now being led by racist idiots.

Of course people from hot countries have a tradition of quick burial. They don't want bodies lying around stinking. I lived in Spain for 17 years. The Christians there have a similar tradition, and for exactly the same reason. But they are not in a hot country now, they are here, so they should adopt our traditions.

Because of the climate Spanish bin lorries call every day. So following the logic of this decision, should immigrants from hot countries get their bins emptied more often than everyone else? I don't think so.

Here's a great idea. I am an old codger so maybe I will start a new religion, the Church of Codger. The main tenant of our faith is that we are entitled to twice the old age pension of everyone else. I would love to take that before the same two stupid judges just to see how consistent they would be.
Britain needs a law making it illegal for anyone to discriminate against, or in favour of, any person or group on the basis of their race, religion or gender.

Actually we already have such a law, The Equally Act (2010) but it is only being applied selectively. Government must give instructions to the courts that they have to treat everyone the same regardless of race, religion or gender.

We can build a fairer would. I show you how in my new book, Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Friday, 27 April 2018

Free Speech

My father had his leg shot to pieces during WW2 fighting the Nazis. He used to tell my brother and me that he had been fighting for freedom of speech. He told us that freedom of speech is the main difference between a free country and a totalitarian one.

As with fascists everywhere, Hitler abhorred free speech. He believed in a strong government lording it over a weak population disenfranchised by having no freedom of speech and no right to debate all subjects openly, where dissidents are imprisoned, and where censorship restricts their access to information.

Who would ever have thought that would happen in Britain? Who would have thought British citizens would land in prison for expressing an option on social media? Who would have thought that in Britain there would arise groups of people who we are not allowed to criticise? Yet we now have all these nightmare conditions, right here in once free Britain. My father must be turning over in his grave.

Free speech was the most important right we had. We must get it back. We must ditch all censorship and so-called 'political correctness'.

Indeed Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers".

Students need to be exposed to the fullest range of different opinions and they should be taught how to evaluate those opinions for themselves. They should be taught how to think, not what to think.

Yet most of our educational institutions have now been infiltrated by fascist globalists. They no longer offer our young people an unbiased education. Students are even encouraged to no-platform any speaker who might challenge their indoctrination.

We need more tolerance but tolerance absolutely IS NOT walking around on eggshells afraid of offending intolerant idiots. Tolerant people are not easily offended.

Before you can shine your light into the darkness you need to know where the darkness is. How can pointing that out to folk possibly be 'hate speech'?

I shine my light into many dark corners in my new book, Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Why Money?

Why Money? What is it good for? Only one thing. Money enables us to keep score. It lets us tell who is winning and who is losing. That s it. Apart from that it does far more harm than good in the world.

Imagine if you will, some future world were people no longer care who is winning and who is losing. Imagine if you will, some future world were people gain status by putting more into society, rather than by taking more out for themselves (big house, fast car). Imagine if you will, some future world were people are generous, where they think "how much can I give" rather than "how much can I get". Imagine if you will, some future world were people live by the motto "Be excellent to each-other".

Such a world would have no need for money or barter. Everyone would make stuff or provide a service, to give away, freely, never counting the cost, in the knowledge that whatever goods and services they need will be given freely to them by other people.

I am not talking about a centrally planned economy here. I am not talking about some heavy handed, interfering government.

People would be naturally incentivised to provide goods and services that are in demand because that's how status and respect are earned. Useless, vanity projects would earn zero respect or status.

All the jobs that are being done now will still need to be done, with the exception of banking, accountancy and finance. We will have no need for insurance either because when unforeseen events occur, everyone will rally round and help.

Help will come first from local people but where a disaster hits a whole region or country, help will come flooding in from far and wide, everyone being excellent to each-other. That's the first and most important pillar of utopia - Be excellent to each-other.

Factory jobs will still exist. Stuff still needs to be manufactured, Some people are happiest when working with their hands, others prefer office work. There will be no difference in the status of these different jobs, why would there be? This is something we can start now, at school, teaching that manual work is just as important as white collar work.

Company politics will follow the first pillar of utopia - Be excellent to each-other. Managers will probably be called coordinators, it will be their job to ensure the company is manufacturing the things people actually want or need and to liaise
with suppliers of parts and raw materials.

The world is not ready for such a system yet, too many people are too shallow and too greedy for such a system to work. The time will come, just not yet.

But some people are ready for it now. There are Streetbank and Freecycle groups all over Britain and similar things in other countries. Type free economy into your favourite search engine and see what comes up.

These groups tend to be used to give away things people have bought and no longer need. The next step could be for people to make or grow stuff specifically to give away on these groups. Perhaps people could get together to run local free economies, like hippy communes only on a larger scale. My dream is to try out such a community on an island somewhere. One day.

If you want to explore these ideas further I highly recommend two books by Mark Boyle, The Moneyless Man and The Moneyless Manifesto.

Just because I want a money free world one day please don't think I am against wealth. Wealth is fantastic and I want each and every one of us to have a whole lot more of it to use for good.

Most success coaches will tell you that money is an energy that allows you to be all that you can be. I say that wealth is an energy that allows you to be all that you can be. Money is just a token of exchange, a way to quantify wealth, a way of telling who is winning and losing at the wealth game.

Do you see the difference? In the futuristic Utopia I think we can one day attain, we won't care who is winning and who is losing.

Indeed the focus will be outward, not inward. The motive of all generous, tolerant, broad-minded, loving people will be to maximise the wealth of their generous, tolerant, broad-minded, loving neighbours.

We don't live in that world yet but for reasons I will explain in my new book, I still want us to focus on helping other generous, tolerant, broad-minded, loving people before ourselves. Apart from the moral imperative, its easier to create wealth when you want to use it to help others.

So let's not scare wealth away by thinking its bad. It isn't the money that's bad at all. Its the greed and selfishness that are bad. In fact having wealth in today's world is extremely empowering so long as we use it for good.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

We have the technology, we can rebuild our democracy

Democracy - the government of the people by the people where the will of the majority prevails. Wouldn't that be nice?

In Britain we have a system where each town or district, called a 'constituency' has the right to send a representative to speak in Parliament on behalf of the local people. Other countries have similar systems.

At least that's the theory. In practice, parliamentary seats have always been stitched up among a limited number of political parties and members of parliament (MPs) tend to represent their parties before their constituents.

Political parties are rather like trade unions that MPs join, so as to gang up against their constituents. You have probably never thought about it that way before but I invite you to do so now.

We are all familiar with one party systems, the old USSR, North Korea and Communist China for example, were people can vote for any candidate they choose so long as he or she stands for the sole ruling Communist Party. Such countries call themselves 'democracies' although they don't seem very democratic to you and me.

Make it a two party state and you have doubled the choice and doubled the level of democracy. Make it a four party state and democracy doubles once again. Carrying this on to its logical conclusion, image a country that has the same number of parties as it has MPs. Then each MP would be independent and free to represent his or her constituents. You would have a very democratic system indeed.

But can we devise a system that is even more democratic than that? I think that, with the aid of modern technology, we can.

Every day around the world, millions of safe, secure chip and pin financial transactions take place. A few go wrong but only a miniscule percentage. Let's apply the same technology to our democratic process. Let's give every registered voter a chip and pin type poling card and let's put voting machines in every public building, Then everybody who chose to could vote in every debate in parliament.

There would need to be a delay of a couple of days after the debate before the vote to give people time to follow it on TV and to do their own research.

Of course most people would not have the time or the interest to participate in every vote. That's fine. That's what we have MPs for. Each MP would be able to cast as many votes as they have registered voters in their constituency LESS the number who chose to vote for themselves in that particular debate. Its child's play to write computer code to calculate that. Most 15 year olds could do it.

Just think about it, instead of being fobbed off with a token vote every five years or so, you could vote in every parliamentary debate that you had an interest in. Now that's what I call democracy.

There would have to be a couple of conditions. People would have to agree to stand by the democratic will of the people. There could be no demands for a second vote if the result doesn't go your way. If we could do that we would just go around in circles for ever. Just follow the debate, vote, then move on to the next issue.

No votes for prison inmates. Follow that to its logical conclusion and you could imagine some future where there would be enough inmates that they could vote to make their crime legal or vote to close all prisons. That would just be absurd.

And thirdly, and most controversially, no votes for first generation immigrants. Let people be free to live in any country they choose, where the laws and customs are to their liking, but don't let them move to a place where the laws and customs are not to their liking and then start making changes. That would just be crazy. If they don't like the way we do thing here, why come?

We really must stop bickering among ourselves. Its not the ordinary people who are to blame, left, right, centre, we are all on the same side. If there is an enemy it is the ruling classes, the ones who pretend there are different political parties in order to divide us and rule us.

Never let politicians have too much power. Remember our history. Remember how Hitler's strong government told the people what they were and were not allowed to say and what they were and were not allowed to think.

We must never again let any government become more powerful than the people.

We must never again allow any government to do our thinking for us or tell us what we may or may not say or think.

We must reject political correctness and the fascist EU superstate at all costs. Keep nations small and independent, small enough to have real democracies where the ordinary people make the important decisions.

The voice of the people must be heard over the voices of politicians and the establishment. It makes no difference which party is in office. What matters is how much control over our lives we give away to politicians and how much we keep for ourselves.

They will tell us that can't work, that we are too stupid to think for ourselves, or the real beauty, the absolute peach, which goes something like this - politicians lie to us so only they can recognise their own lies, so best let them make all our decisions for us.

Excuse me. Are you really saying that dishonest politicians should make our decisions for us because politicians are dishonest ? Isn't that like chasing a burglar down the street, carrying your family jewels in your hand, shouting "excuse me mate, I think you forgot these".

Wouldn't it be better to stop them from lying to us in the first place ? How's this for an idea - how about when we catch the rascals lying to us, we stop voting for them ? Surely lying politicians are a reason to take power away from them, not give them more. Lying politicians and the lying media barons they are in cahoots with are the problem, not the solution.

Will you stand with us and help bring us one step closer to utopia?

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

A Better World

I dream of a better future world where there is tolerance and free speech. Where you don't have to agree with what people are saying in order to stand up for their right to say it. 

Where there is more love and generosity.

Where tolerance is understood to mean us all being free to express ourselves so nobody needs to walk around on eggshells to avoid 'offending' intolerant people.

In short, a world where everyone is excellent to one and other.

I have put together a blueprint for such a futuristic world. A common sense plan that is neither left wing nor right wing but that draws wisdom form many sources.

It will be a long, uphill struggle to reach that futuristic world but one very much worth undertaking, one day at a time, one act of kindness at a time, one act of defiance at a time.

Its probably too late for us but we can build a better world for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, if we start now

We can only get there, one day, if we begin to navigate in that direction today. 

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Citizens of the World?

Some of you have asked what I think about migration. Have there been inconsistencies is some of the things I have written? Let me clear up any misunderstandings.

In an ideal world I think we should all be able to take up residence anywhere in the world we like. However to make this possible there would have to be two simple rules.

1) Anyone can move to, and setup home in, any country they absolutely love, just the way it is. This means that newcomers cannot attempt to make any changes to their adopted country or engage in politics there.

2) Newcomers must obey all the laws of their adopted country and comply with all its social and cultural norms, without asking for exemptions.

Surely that's not too much to ask?

I don't care about the colour of people's skin and I don't care about where immigrants have come from.

All I care about is how people behave and how hard they try to fit in.

Newcomers must always adapt themselves to fit in with the people who were there before they arrived. Never the other way around.

So to sum up I fully embrace multiethnic migration but not multicultural migration.

Some people have even asked me whether I am racist. No of course I am not. That's a preposterous idea. I have traveled the world, I have lived half my adult life overseas and I have had friends from every continent except Antarctica. When abroad I have always followed the guidelines as stated above.

I don't care about people's ethnicity but I do care about how they behave and I will speak out against bad behaviour even from members of ethnic minorities.

This sometimes leads to me being falsely accused of racism. However, what really would be racist would be to make some people exempt from criticism because of their ethnicity or religion.

And I certainly do speak out against dangerous political ideologies including Political Islam.

I know it can be hard to distinguish Political Islam from the religion. The Qur'an makes many political statements and instructions for ensuring Islamic expansion.

I don't care what religions people follow, what names people call God by or what kinds of rituals they participate in but I do care about politics.

The openly stated aim of Political Islam is to establish an Islamic caliphate and impose Sharia Law here in Britain and Europe. It's early days yet but Belgium already has an Islam Party. It's manifesto states these exact aims.

So please do tell me, how is opposing Political Islam any more racist than opposing the Conservative Party or the Labour Party in the UK, or the Democrats or the Republicans in America? Democratic politics needs opposition in order to function or else we would have a one party totalitarian state.

We don't have an Islam Party in Britain yet (unless you count the Labour Party) but we soon will unless we wake up and act decisively to prevent it. Who's with me?

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Fake News Alert

Fake News Tip #1) - whenever you see left-wingers labeled 'progressive' while the right are dismissed as 'populist' you know you are reading propaganda.

Fake News Tip #2) - whenever you see a government being called a 'regime' you know you are reading propaganda.

Fake News Tip #3) - if you see anyone making a case to travel to a foreign country to kill people, you know you are reading propaganda.

Multiculturalism is a Failed Experiment

Multiculturalism is a failed experiment. It has divided us long enough.

Multiethnic is fine, multicultural is not. If you think multiculturalism is a good idea just consider how it worked out for Native Americans, Australian Aborigines and indigenous people everywhere. Not looking so good now is it?

 I don't care about skin colour but I do care about how people behave.

I don't care where people came from, but I do care about where they are going. If they want to settle here they are welcome provided they behave themselves.

EVERYBODY living in Britain, Norway, Sweden or anywhere else, if they wish to be allowed to  stay, must embrace ALL the cultural values of their adopted country. These include values such as tolerance, free speech, free internet,  free press, open debate on all subjects, gender equality, freedom of religion, etc, etc, etc.

Everyone must be free to believe in any religion they choose and to practice their religion within the boundaries set by the law of the land.

Its time for us all to come together under the umbrella of our culture and any immigrants who refuse to do that cannot be permitted to stay. It's time for us to live as one.

Don't tell me it can't be done. We all need to stand firm against the globalists and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

This isn't about hate, it's about love. Telling newcomers that we are multicultural so they don't need to integrate is not being loving or tolerant. Its setting them up to be resented and hated.

Unfortunately the Barcelona Declaration of 1995 told them just that. It was a treaty between the EU and a number of Middle Eastern countries.  I am no lawyer but I hope that leaving the EU will get us out of this terrible agreement.

Spreading the love is about telling newcomers that they have to make an effort to fit in. That way they have a chance of having a happy life here.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

The Truth is The Truth

The truth is the truth regardless of where it is supposedly positioned on some imaginary  political spectrum.

Wouldn't it be great if we actually listened to the people we expect to disagree with and find out what they actually want?

Wouldn't it be great if we judged people by what they are actually doing and saying instead of by what other people, with agendas of their own, were saying about them?

Wouldn't it be great if we stopped dismissing people who want a fairer distribution of wealth as 'far left'?

Wouldn't it be great if we stopped dismissing people who want newcomers to integrate and obey our laws as 'far right'?

Labels such as these only serve to divide us. If we ditched these silly  labels and actually listened to people we might find some common ground.

The truth is that we all want to live in a fairer society so wouldn't it be great if we worked together to build one.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book -  Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

The System is Broken

The system is broken. Everything about it is broken. The very basis of our society and of our economy is broken. The trouble is that its all been broken for so long that everyone thinks its normal.

I do wonder what a visitor from another​ planet would make of us. I know what I make of us and its not polite.

Now I'm certainly not claiming to be from another planet (despite what some of you might think) but I can see a better way forward.

Perhaps you will share my vision, or maybe not, that's your choice and I respect it.

If only we all treated each-other better, were excellent to each-other, there would be no poverty or homelessness.

If we saw someone worse off than ourselves we would give them a little of what we had.  We wouldn't need to give them very much because everyone in the area would be giving them something.  They would be back on their feet in no time.

But it doesn't happen like that. Why?

I believe there are two reasons. The first is that there are selfish, greedy people in the world, sure there are, but most of us are good, decent folk.

But the good, decent people, many of them, most of the time, ignore the poverty and suffering of others too. There must be a second cause. What is it?

I believe that it is fear. We live in a world of fear, mostly fear of poverty and debt. We fear we may loose our job or our business, that we will no longer be able to service our credit card debt or our mortgage.

Some people aren't just scared of what might happen. They also harbour deep resentments about the things that have already happened, to themselves or to their ancestors. Is it any wonder that some of these people behave badly?

If we were not living in fear ourselves we would be much quicker to help others.

The irony of this paradigm, of our culture of fear, is that if we did all help one and other, we would be confident others would help us too and there would be no more fear. And being free of fear we would be free to be more generous and to help each-other more.

So the remedy to the problem lies in our own hands. Each and every one of us can start today to help others more.

The rich globalist elites thrive on our fear. They use it to sell us goods we don't need,  shipped from the other side of the planet, paid for on credit we can't afford .

They use fear to make us vote at election time for dishonest politicians who are more a part of the problem than of the solution.

They use fear to keep us as debt slaves, working for fifty years at jobs we often hate to pay for the right to live on our own planet.

There really is a sucker born every minute and those suckers are us, every one of us.

We are born into a game we did not devise where the rules are stacked against us and in favour of the globalist elites. We have no way to win this game. We can never win this game. Our only way out is to stop playing this game and devise a fairer one.

The currency of the game is money. Stop using money and the game is over. The banks will collapse and the rich globalist elites who own them will be reduced to ordinary citizens, just like you and me.  The nightmare game will be over.

We don't need money or barter. Both are born out of a meanness based in fear. Both are just ways of keeping score so we know who is winning and who is losing. But what if we no longer cared about winning?

We would be free to devise a new game based on freely giving and freely recieving, on helping each-other, on freedom and independence and on love and co-operation. A true utopia.

If you would like to explore these ideas further I invite you to download my new book - Spread The Love and Change Your World.

The PDF version is free. A Kindle version is also available.

Monday, 2 April 2018

What really is fascism?

Everyone needs to know this. We have been systematically lied to since 1944. We have been fed a big fat lie and we need to know the truth.

We deserve to know the truth that Hitler and Mussolini were Marxists. Fascism, and later Nazism, grew out of Marxism.

The world is experiencing a dangerous resurgence of fascism and we must all stand firm against it. Of course we must, it's an horrendous ideology, but how can we beat it if we don't even know what it is?

"The term 'fascist' can be traced back to 1914 when he ( Benito Mussolini) founded the Faci Rivoluzionari d'Azione Internazionalista, a political movement whose members called themselves 'fascisti' or fascists." - Dinesh D'Souza - The Big Lie

Mussolini was a Marxist and member of the Italian Socialist Party. However he grew tired of the long, drawn out democratic process and yearned for a workers' revolution.

So where did Mussolini get his ideas from? Some writers like to say that he lost faith in socialism and converted to fascism but if you read the things he actually wrote at the time this is clearly very far from the truth. What he, and many others including Lenin, lost faith with was classical Marxism.

The Russian Revolution had been a bit of a shock to classical Marxists. Marx had predicted that there would be a workers' uprising in the industrialised, capitalist world. In other words, in counties such as Britain, Germany or France. But it happened in Russia and it was lead by the intellectuals, not the workers. This lead to a crisis in Marxism that would cleave it in two. As a result Marxism split into two camps, Leninism and fascism.

The French Marxist Georges Sorel (1847 - 1922) wrote that the working class needed powerful leaders to motivate them and stir them into violent action with emotional stories. Mussolini took these ideas and ran with them to create fascism.

Inspired by Sorel, Mussolini founded the first fascist party, the Fasci di Combattimento (fascist combat squad) on the 23rd March 1919. Lenin wrote to Mussolini to congratulate him.

Mussolini wrote extensively on Socialism and edited the weekly socialist publication, La Lotta di Classe (The Class War).

"The nucleus that eventually founded fascism in Italy did not stem from the right-wing nationalists but from the transformation of part of the revolutionary left " - Stanley Payne - A History of Fascism

Hitler was a great admirer of Mussolini and modelled his new socialist party on the Italian fascists.

"Hitler, like Mussolini, was very much a man of the Left. Hitler too was a socialist and labour leader who founded the German Socialist Workers' Party. " - Dinesh D'Souza - The Big Lie

Mussolini may well have admired Lenin but Hitler did not and this was eventually to lead to his downfall. Despite being a socialist Hitler hated the Jews and he hated Russian communism. Hitler believed in the conspiracy theory known as Jewish Bolshevism.

Jewish Bolshevism, also called the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG) conspiracy theory asserts that Jews control world politics and that Jews were behind the Russian Revolution and held the primary power among Bolsheviks.

So in the 1930s, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union could not form a formal alliance. Hitler labeled the Soviet Union an “infernal abomination” governed by “Jewish tyrants.

The Soviet press reciprocated with claims that Hitler was “possessed by a demon” and Nazism would “drown in its own blood."

The Munich Agreement (September 1938) was a huge own goal for the free world. It was an attempt to appease Hitler.

The major powers of Europe, excluding the Soviet Union, agreed a settlement permitting Germany to annex a portion of Czechoslovakia. The deal infuriated both dictators. Hitler commented to an aide, “that Chamberlain fellow has spoiled my entry into Prague.

Meanwhile, Stalin, whose representatives had been excluded from the conference, feared the British and French had “cut a deal with Hitler at the Soviets' expense.”

The following year Hitler and Stalin began to seriously consider the benefits of working together. For Germany, a non-aggression pact would guard against a war on two fronts, at lear until Hitler was ready. The pact also made provision for an exchange of German technology for much needed Russian raw materials.

The Soviets thought that Poland would serve as a buffer zone against any future German expansion.

The fate of the world was sealed by the stroke of a pen on August 23, 1939.

They also signed a second, secret agreement that carved up eastern Europe between them. If you are interested in learning more about this I recommended the book Devils’ Alliance: Hitler’s Pact With Stalin, 1939-1941, by historian Roger Moorhouse .

In fact, the Nazi-Soviet Pact as the kick-off for World War II is probably the most surprising scenario that anyone could have imagined” - Moorhouse says.

"That’s how you have to view it from the perspective of August 1939. The world was absolutely dumbstruck by this deal.”

Those twin agreements set the stage for the start of World War II. Within days of signing the pacts Hitler invaded Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany. The nightmare had begun.

A couple of weeks later, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east to grab its share of the spoils. In 1940 it followed up by occupying Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Romanian province of Bessarabia.

Post-war writers have gone to some trouble to claim that the USSR was on the side of the Western allies during WWII. This is a very superficial view.

The fact is that the U.S.S.R. co-operated with Nazi Germany during the early years of the war in a joint effort to defeat capitalism. The Soviets only swapped sides when the honour among thieves pact broke down in territorial disputes.

A key part of the Nazi-Soviet Pact was economic: Germany agreed to swap military technology for a steady flow of Soviet raw materials. However, Soviet annexation of the Romanian province of Bessarabia at the end of June brought the Red Army close to Romanian oilfields that Hitler deemed vital to his war effort.

To smooth over some of the frustrations and to sort out territorial questions, Joachim von Ribbentrop, the Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany, invited Vyacheslav Molotov, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union, to Berlin for talks in mid-November of 1940.

Believing the war was nearly over, Hitler wanted a broader delineation of spheres of influence than had been previously agreed. Ribbentrop and Hitler talked with Molotov about dividing up the bankrupt estate of the British Empire. At one point, Hitler stated, “let’s divide the whole world.

Molotov demanded territory in the Balkans and the Black Sea.

Hitler and Ribbentrop tried to get the Soviets to look to British India and the Persian Gulf for territorial gains.

Operation Barbarossa was the code name for the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany which kicked off on Sunday, 22nd June 1941.

Hitler had always planning to conquer the western Soviet Union so that it could be repopulated by Germans. He also wanted to use Slavs as a slave-labour force and to seize the oil reserves of the Caucasus. Despite their close political aims, Hitler had only been stringing Stalin along. After all, in Hitler's deranged mind, the Soviet Union was being run, behind the scenes, by the hated Jews.

Hitter was obsessed with the Jews. In truth he hated all non-Arians, including the people of the Mediterranean. Had he won the war he would have turned on Mussolini just as he had betrayed Starlin.

Hitler needed a legal basis for his racism and that included an international precedent. It’s interesting to note that when the Nazis got together in Nuremberg on 15 September 1935 to pass Germany's anti-Semitic and racial laws they began the meeting with a thorough examination of America's race laws.

It should be of no surprise that the Nazi National Socialists found what they were looking for in laws passed by American socialists.

Dinesh D'Souza, in his illuminating book The Big Lie states that "Every segregation law in the South (southern states of the USA) was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed into power by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic sheriffs and Democratic city and state officials. Most anti-miscegeneration laws were passed in Democratic states....

"The Ku Klux Klan was a creation of the Democrats and served for thirty years as the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party. ....

"The early Klan killed as many white Republicans as they did blacks."

Since the war there has been a concerted effort by left-wing writers and activists to paint a very different picture of history.

Fascism strated out as an Italian socialist, left-wing movement and its core principles of heavy handed centralised control, suppression of free speech and incarceration of dissidents still typify the far-left approach to politics.

The propaganda of the last eight decades or so has been that fascism and the communism are opposite ends of some straight line model of politics but nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that fascism and communism are cousins, very close cousins indeed. <

So where does all this leave white supremacists, neo-Nazis and the Far Right?

Part of the big fat lie, in recent years, has been to conflate those three very different political groups.

The Far Right are nationalists committed to defending their countries and their cultures from being overrun by newcomers who have no intention of fitting in.

In Britain and Europe they also oppose being ruled over by the totalitarian, globalist European Union.

As nationalists the far-right totally reject globalism in all its forms. Nationalists support their country and it's citizens, all it's citizens, regardless of race, religion or gender.

Nationalists also support absolute freedom of religious belief and freedom of religious practice within the limits set down by law. They oppose political Islam because it is anti-democratic and they oppose illegal Islamic religious practices such as gender inequality, FGM, the rape of infidels and the murder of apostates.

They are totally opposed to white supremacy which, as we have seen, is rooted in Nazism, which grew out of Marxism. White supremacists are, politically speaking, alt-left.

As are the neo-Nazis with their pictures of Hitler, straight arm salutes and left-handed swastikas. Neo-Nazis should be placed where they belong, on the extreme left, further left even than Communists.

Far left street groups such as Antifa claim to be anti-fascist but in reality they are the new fascists, indistinguishable, in both method and ideology, from Hitler's Brown Shirts or the Blackshirts of Mussolini and Mosley.

It is sad that the members of Antifa actually believe that they are fighting fascism. They have been brainwashed and indoctrinated by a biased and corrupted education system that has actually taught them that fascism is right-wing.

What is worse is that some of these people actually went to university and should know better. Tragically, rather than being taught how to think they were taught what to think. They were even encouraged to no-platform any speaker who might have challenged their indoctrination.

So any opposition to fascism today must be aimed at educating people on the far-left. They must be made to respect free speech and open debate on all topics. They must be taught that it's okay to ask questions and to be critical of dangerous ideologies.

Sorry Antifa but fascism can never be defeated by your hatred and violence. Only light can dispel darkness.

The big lie was arguably the brainchild of Richard Hofstadter. In his 1944 book, Social Darwinism in American Thought he makes a fairly shaky connection between Darwin's concept of the survival of the fittest with laissez faire capitalism.

From this Hofstadter postulated that since Social Darwinism was the basis for the Nazi eugenics programme, and since laissez faire capitalism is a right wing concept, then the Nazis must have been on the political right.

What this socialist writer and former Communist Party member conveniently forgets to mention is that eugenics was invented in Britain by Frances Galton and implemented in a big way in America before being adopted in Germany.

In America eugenics was championed by progressives such as Margaret Sanger, Kermit Gosnell, Charles Davenport and Harry Laughlin.

Don't you just laugh at the way socialists like to refer to themselves as progressives as if the world was destined to progress towards socialism? It's a bit like Jehovah's Witnesses calling their teachings The Truth. Nobody with the ability to think is fooled in either case.

Needless to say the big fat lie was seised on by left wing academics, taught in schools and universities and is now believed by 99% of the western world. Everyone knows the fascists and Nazis were right wingers. Only they weren't.

It's absolutely essential to get the truth out to people. It's the only way to stop history repeating itself. We see more and more of our rights and freedoms taken from us every day by fascist governments claiming they are protecting us from fascism.

The biggest of these precious freedoms is freedom of speech. We must speak out now, while we still can, before it's too late.

The time has come to set ourselves free from the fascist Globalist Elites. Who's with me?

By now there should be no doubt in your mind that fascism and Nazism are extreme left-wing ideologies. However some people, a few, with left-wing leanings, who think the left are the good guys, have written in to accuse me of saying that fascists are the good guys by association. This is the exact opposite of what I am saying.

Fascists and Nazis are very, very bad guys and so are the progressives who embrace their ideas and methods. Not all progressives ' and lefties are evil, just the ones who embrace fascist or Nazi ideas and methods.

Today's left-wing fascism is different from that of Hitler and Mussolini in so far as at least the original ones had the decency to call themselves fascists and Nazis. This modern lot have the cheek to masquerade as anti-fascists and gullible people are being taken in by their big fat lie.

It’s bazar. The very people who are championing the heavy handed centralised state,, oppose capitalism, have zero tolerance of dissenting views but rather encourage cultural intimidation, censorship (political correctness and no-platforming) and even street violence (Antifa) are claiming to be anti-fascists. It's unbelievable. All these things were fascist policies.

Even more crazy, they have got us all believing that the supporters of limited government, individual rights, a free market economy, free speech and open debate are the fascists. Nothing could be further from the truth. All these things were hated and despised by the Nazis and fascists.

It's all backwards. It's what George Orwell called newspeak. I'm not referring to any specific political party here, nor to left-wing politics in general, but to the generic progressive left. Indeed, at least in Britain, we see these traits in both the main parties. It's time for something different.

I said at the beginning of my book, Spread The Love And Change Your World, that my solution is neither left-wing nor right-wing but that I am drawing wisdom from both. I have not deviated from that. However if I am to take the good wherever I find it I must also highlight the bad wherever I find it and fascism is very, very bad indeed.

Orwell knew what was coming and he tried to warn us. If only we had listened. Are we listening yet?

We must learn the lessons of history and not repeat the mistakes made by the people of pre-war Italy and Germany. Hitler and Mussolini could have been stopped had the people acted quickly enough. But they were too slow and too timid to realise that this was not going to be politics as usual.

And what the progressive fascists are attempting now is not politics as usual either. We must act fast. First we must get this message out so people know the truth.

Then we must smash the tools they are using to enforce their conformity of thought, such as co-called political correctness and no-platforming. Surely it must be obvious to anyone capable of independent thought that in a freedom loving democracy political correctness is an oxymoron.

Finally we must thwart the globalist elites who really pull the strings behind the scenes. The politicians we see and vote for are little more than puppets.

I explain how we can do this in my blog post - Globalist Elites –